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Sleeping quarters for the members of the First World War Womens Land Army at Tregavethan FarmThe sleeping quarters for the Womens Land Army at Tregavethan Farm training centre. Rules and a time-table are pinned to the wall above the wash-stand. Photographer: Arthur William Jordan
Victoria Gardens, Truro, Cornwall. Early 1900sView of the bandstand at Victoria Gardens, looking east through the trees, with a boy sitting on a park bench and a lady in a large hat standing, looking at the bandstand
Royal Naval Hospital, St Clement, Truro, Cornwall. Probably Christmas 1918Sailors and nurses in Chellew Ward with a scene set up. The notice reads The better ole if you know of a better ward go to it. Photographer: Arthur William Jordan
Royal Naval Auxiliary Hospital, Truro, Cornwall. Christmas 1916Red Cross nurses and patients in C3 Hain Ward, decorated with paper chains and ornaments for Christmas. Names of the patients and nurses are unknown. Photographer: Arthur William Jordan
Royal Naval Auxiliary Hospital, St Clement, Truro, Cornwall. Christmas 1916Red Cross nurses and patients in C2 Hain Ward. The back of the photograph reads:- " To Nurse Maunders with best wishes from H.P. Sutton?, L.J. Soper, H.C. Pring, H. Chettenden, Wm. Farmery, G